Co Curricular


To foster the holistic development, there are a number of School Clubs, both academic and co-curricular. No matter which club you belong to, you can look forward to precious experiences that will help you to improve yourself and discover who you really are.

Seven Eleven Scholastic School encourages students to participate in a wide-range of clubs in schools including clubs like Literary Club, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Club, Health and Wellness Club etc. Each Club is a community where students engage in continuous learning and MLZS supports them in finding their unique potential. Each club has activity groups, which are populated by interested members so that specific interest areas under a club can be addressed according to the number of interested students.


SESS organise various events and celebrations throughout the year. The chief of them is the Annual Function. Here are some major events and celebrations that our schools organize. Sports Day is one of the most important days in the school calendar along with the day of the Annual Function. We celebrate different festivals to give our children the right concept and appreciation of our diverse cultural heritage. Schools may host cultural events like multicultural fairs, international days, and language festivals. These events celebrate diversity and allow students to learn about different cultures, traditions, and languages.


The students are exposed to theme based workshops which sharp their skills and sensitize them to handle their day to day lives better. In-house workshops are also organized from time to time by the School Counselor on various topics. In educational workshop schools may offer technology focused activities such as coding clubs, robotics teams, and computer programming competitions. These activities promote creativity, problem-solving, and technological literacy.


Inter-house is a major pastoral and extra-curricular side of school which develops students’ social, team-working and organization (amongst other) skills. The House system aims to reflect the atmosphere of the school. The competitions range from music & drama , Debates , elocution , Quiz competition. Schools often organize academic competitions like quiz bowls, spelling bees, science fairs, math competitions, and debate tournaments. These activities promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork among students.

Admission's Enquiry 2024-25